Maths Curriculum
The overarching aim for Maths is to provide all children with the opportunity to develop their enjoyment and curiosity of the subject in order to become lifelong learners preparing them for problem solving situations they may encounter in the future.
At Victoria Road Primary School, our maths curriculum is in place because we believe that everyone can succeed in maths. Where possible, children follow a whole class approach to learning where they are all given the same opportunities to develop confidence, resilience, self-esteem and independence during our maths sessions.
Maths is a skill we use on a daily basis and is an essential part of everyday life. Therefore, mathematics forms an important part of our broad and balanced curriculum where we endeavour to ensure that children develop an enjoyment and enthusiasm for maths that will stay with them throughout their lives and empower them in future life.
We believe in a systematic approach where knowledge and skills in maths are embedded securely to ensure a deeper understanding of a concept. All children will have the opportunity to develop this using a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach.
This ensures children are able to use practical resources to support their learning, as well as use pictures to represent what they have found out before moving on to the abstract.
We are a Maths Mastery school and have embedded a carefully sequenced curriculum which works alongside the EYFS and The National Curriculum.
Maths is taught daily at Victoria Road Primary School using the White Rose scheme as a guide for the sequence of learning. The White Rose ensures lessons are taught as a small step approach so that children have time to embed concepts and have lots of time for fluency. Teachers use their professional knowledge and enrich the White Rose with resources from other valid sources, such as NCETM, Maths No Problem and Power Maths.
In KS1 we have implemented Mastering Number, which are separate sessions to the main lessons, embedding key number facts and subitising.
In KS2, children have times table sessions to support the quick recall of their multiplication facts. We use Numbots and Times Table Rockstars so that children have access to fun, interactive and online learning. KS2 also have weekly tests and class competitions so that children can clearly see their progress.
What does a lesson look like?
- Flashback 4 warm up activity that revisits previous learning.
- Introduction to today’s learning objective and steps to success.
- Guided practice with the teacher.
- Paired/independent practice.
- Guided/paired/independent practice to be repeated throughout the lesson.
- Time for discussion about what has been learned.
Throughout the lessons there will be opportunities for all children to access challenges for deeper understanding of the concept being taught.
Through discussion and feedback, children talk articulately using the correct mathematical language. Children are happy, enthusiastic learners, enjoy their maths lessons and can make clear links with their learning.
Children are engaged in maths lessons and can find ways independently to support their maths learning. Mathematical concepts or skills are mastered when a child is able to show it in a range of ways and using the correct mathematical language.
Children demonstrate a quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication facts.
Children show pride in their maths learning and demonstrate this with a high level of presentation. They have the opportunity to develop and show their knowledge of relationships and connections in maths lessons.
Teaching practice across the school is consistent and teacher assessment is increasingly accurate.
At the end of each year, we expect the children to achieve Age Related Expectations (ARE) in their year group. Children who have gaps in their knowledge are given the support and interventions they need to succeed. Some children will have progressed further and achieve Greater Depth. (GD)
2022 SATs Paper KS1
Please find the link to the 2022 SATs papers for KS1
2022 SATs Paper KS2
Please find the link to the 2022 SATs papers for KS2
Our Year 1 Numbot Stage Completers
Rockstars and Robots Day- TTRockstars
Year R- Learning in Maths (finding, counting, matching and sorting)
Year 1- Learning in Maths (tens and ones with numbers to 20)
Year 2- Learning in Maths (Comparing and ordering)
Year 3- Learning in Maths (partitioning into hundreds, tens and ones)
Year 5- Learning in Maths (finding common factors)