Class 4 - Badger Class
Welcome to Bold Badger Class
We are the Bold Badgers and we love to practise our multiplications, through games and songs.
In Year 4, we have many exciting opportunities to learn and have fun. As well as our weekly music lesson where we learn the glockenspiel and recorders, we also have the opportunity to learn guitars. Our History 'Big Questions' look at how different time periods changed Britain. We focus on the Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings; we explore why they came to Britain, how they changed Britain and if any of these changes are still evident today. In Geography, we look at North America, Fairtrade and Australia. During our Fairtrade topic we explore locally grown vegetables which we use to make soup in our DT cooking unit. In learning about the geography of Australia, we also explore Australian culture through a fun, interactive Australia Day.
We have exciting trips linked to our History, Geography and Science topics. After learning about the Romans, we explore Roman life at the Roman Museum and Beaney Museum in Canterbury. For our Fairtrade unit, we visit a local supermarket to look for products for sale that are Fairtrade. For Science, we have a dentist visit us to explain how we should look after our teeth. We also have a farm trip each year to learn about local produce in our local community.
When you get to Year 4 we have an exciting opportunity in May. We have our school sleepover! Each year we spend the night at school, helping to get ourselves ready for the residential PGL trip in Years 5 and 6. It is always fun, with games and activities outside, then hot chocolate and a film inside before bed. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity.
We look forward to seeing you in Year 4. To keep up to date with our learning, see the curriculum coverage below. For weekly knowledge of our learning, sign up to class Dojo for pictures of us at work.
Meet our Year 4 Team
Our Learning Environment