Class R - Squirrel Class
Welcome to Super Squirrels
Hello! We are the Super Squirrels, where we learn in a hands-on, engaging way.
As your children enter school for the first time, they become 'Squirrels' where we help them transition into the world of Primary school and begin to understand the skills of making new friends, turn-taking and sharing. Through our school values, we support the children in understanding what it means to respect each other and our surroundings, to have courage to have a go and to love learning. We explore topics such as Dinosaurs, Jungle, and the beach, which are perfect for sparking imagination and curiosity about the world around them. The hands-on experience with nature, like watching ducklings hatch, caterpillars transform into butterflies and our seasons walks in our local park, help children develop their scientific skills and understanding of the process of growth and our world around us.
The Squirrels class focusses on learning through play and problem-solving. This approach enables children to develop their critical thinking skills and learn at their own pace as well as building confidence and resilience to tackle new learning. The use of the Phonics Bug scheme for reading and writing is also excellent, as it provides a structured and engaging way for children to learn these essential skills and you will see their reading develop and flourish as soon as they join our classroom.
At Victoria Road we offer a well-rounded and engaging educational environment that allows children to develop a love for learning and explore the world around them.
Meet our Year R Team
Our Learning Environment