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Year 4 Multiplication Check

The Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a national check that is scheduled to take place in June. 

The MTC is a short online assessment designed to gauge how well your child has learnt their times tables up to 12. It consists of 25 questions, and your child will have 6 seconds to answer each one. The emphasis is on the 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 times tables, as these are generally considered the most challenging.

The check is an important part of our curriculum, as it helps us understand your child's progress in mathematics and identify any areas where they may need additional support. Rest assured, this is not a high-stakes test, and results are used internally to support your child's learning journey.

We encourage you to support your child at home by regularly practising times tables, which can be a fun and engaging activity. To help prepare our pupils for the check, we offer an after-school 'TT Rockstar' club to our Year 3 & Year 4 children. This club proves popular amongst our pupils and provides an engaging and supportive environment where children can practice their times tables and build confidence in their multiplication skills.

Please navigate to the leaflet produced by The Standards and Testing Agency below that will provide you with more information and answer any queries that you may have. If you have any further questions, please speak to Miss Rogers, the class teacher, or alternatively contact the school office, where we will be happy to assist you.