Supporting Parents Helpfinder -
You can click on the following headings for help:
- My child's feelings and behaviour (ADHD, Anger, Anxiety, Autism and mental health, Babies and infants under 5, bullying, challenging behaviour, COVID and mental health, eating problems, gaming, gender identity, grief and loss, school anxiety and refusal, self-harm, self-esteem, transitions, trauma and more).
- Getting help for my child.
- Talking to my child.
- Parent Helpline and Webchat.
- Cost-of-living crisis.
- My child needs urgent help.
- I don't know where to start.
Videos with advice on dealing with behaviour, learning and wellbeing:
Understanding your child's behaviour
Kent Community Health have advice available on understanding your child's behaviour. Available by clicking this link:
Free online courses to support from pregnancy up to a child's 19th birthday are available to support parents
FREE 15-20 minute courses which you can complete at your own pace can be accessed here: