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Art & Design


At Victoria Road, our aim is to engage, inspire and challenge the pupils through our art curriculum. We want them to experience a broad range of artistic techniques, materials, artists, craftspeople and designers. We want to enrich their life experiences with visits to galleries and exposure to artists. 

The children will be encouraged to experiment, explore, develop, improve, take risks, invent and create. Ultimately, our aim is for the children to have a positive, life-long relationship with art and enjoy it!


At Victoria Road we follow the 2014 National Curriculum for Art & Design

  • Art will be taught discretely in weekly 1 hour sessions for 3 terms during the year. Where possible links will be made across the curriculum e.g. exploring animals through sculpture in year 6 while studying the environment and how to protect the tiger. 
  • The curriculum will focus on 5 main areas: drawing, painting, sculpture, print & great artists/crafters/designers. 
  • Our curriculum will enrich the children’s response to art, focusing on their emotional reaction to artists and their artwork. 
  • Throughout each area, the children will use sketchbooks to collect and develop their ideas. Capture their thoughts and reflections and allow them to experiment and plan their own works of art. 
  • From the moment the children begin at Victoria Road, they will begin to develop their art skills and each year they will build upon their previous knowledge and skills. 
  • Enrichment will take the form of trips to galleries and visits from secondary schools. 
  • To celebrate the children’s final pieces of work, classes will have opportunities to display their work across the school and an end of year exhibition will take place for the local community


At Victoria Road, we want the children to enjoy art and be confident as artists. Our aim is that as they move through the school, they will build upon their previous learning and improve their understanding and techniques. The curriculum has been mapped so that by the time our children reach year 6, they will have secure knowledge of how to print, paint, draw and sculpt. We want the children to learn about other artists and use their work to inspire their own art and know that art is a form of expression and communication.