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Class 1 - Butterfly Class


Welcome to the Bright Butterflies

Welcome to the wonderful world of Butterfly Class! We are excited to welcome you and your child to Year One. We learn so much in Butterfly Class and love to have fun as we do so. We spend lots of time getting to know the children in Squirrel Class so that they are really confident when they start in Butterfly Class in September. 

We work hard on our reading and develop so much in our confidence and fluency that we can read much more complex books by the end of the year. We enjoy celebrating World Book Day and having visits to the local library. In science, we love to wear lab coats to carry out experiments like real scientists. We go on many local trips throughout the year, including going to the church, park and postbox. This means we get really good at reading maps and get to know our local area!

We explore lots of 'Big Questions' like 

We use Class Dojo in two ways - firstly, the children earn dojo points for showing our school values of Respect, Honesty, Fairness, Enjoyment and Courage. When we have got our target amount, the whole class has earned a reward, e.g. cooking or bringing your bike to school. Secondly, we use Class Dojo to send parents photos and messages of the learning that has taken place each week, so please make sure you are signed up. 

We are thrilled to embark on this educational journey with your child and look forward to a year filled with learning and discovery. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please just ask us.

Meet the Year 1 Team


Our Learning Environment