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The Six Principles of Nurture

At Victoria Road Primary School, we are committed to providing a nurturing environment that supports our pupils' academic, social, and emotional growth. We believe that a nurturing approach is essential in helping our children develop the skills and resilience they need to thrive.

To achieve this, we aim to integrate the "Six Principles of Nurture" from Nurture UK into every aspect of our school life. This will enable us to create a culture that fosters social and emotional learning, and helps our children become confident, capable, and well-rounded individuals. We are currently working towards achieving the National Nurturing Schools Award.

In Term 1, we rolled out the Six Principles of Nurture to our entire school community through assemblies, activities linked to each principle, staff/governor training and weekly updates to parents.

For each principle, we held a whole school assembly and then each class completed activities based on these. The children completed activities such as learning how to make origami (with and without instructions), filling buckets of kindness and designing their own safe classroom spaces.

Here are some photos of the activities the children completed as they learnt about each principle: