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Welcome from the Chair of Governors

On behalf of all Governors, welcome to Victoria Road Primary School.

As Governors, we have an important role in monitoring the safety, welfare and education of all our children. To do this we work as a team with the Co-Headteachers, children, staff and families in an open and caring atmosphere, where everyone feels valued.

Governors have responsibility to ensure that school planning is ambitious, yet realistic and that the school operates in an environment conducive to learning. It is our role to support and encourage the Headteacher and all staff to ensure each pupil has the opportunity to progress. We are also involved in various aspects of school operations including:-Staff Appointments, Finance, Pupil Welfare Buildings & Maintenance and Public Relations.

Please take the time to browse our school website, where you will find more information about Victoria Road Primary School.

I would like to thank all families and staff for the support and encouragement they give Victoria Road children and the school. For children, this support nurtures key social and creative skills, especially in those early years, and helps build confidence and self-esteem. Family interest and support in promoting the school is invaluable and ensures Victoria Road Primary School has a strong partnership with the local community.

We are always interested hearing from potential governors.  Should you have an interest in becoming a school governor at Victoria Road Primary School, then please contact Mrs Sue Alcock, School Business Manager, and she will put you in touch with the right people at the right time for a completely non-committal chat.

I am available to discuss any matter relating to the school, and I am always pleased to receive positive feedback. You can reach me via the school email . Together we can help Victoria Road Primary School maintain high standards and prosper for current children and future generations.

Gail Spragg
Chair of Governors


Governing Board Constitution and Responsibilities

The Governing Board of Victoria Road Community Primary School reconstituted on 24 March 2020 in line with the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012. Ten governors are appointed to sit on the school’s Board.   They are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school, ensuring financial health, probity and value for money, and holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school. The Board review their structure, terms of reference and standing orders on an annual basis, and have adopted the ‘circle’ model of governance.  This requires the Board to hold termly meetings, and for Governors to carry out regular monitoring and report back to the  Board.

Governor Appointments and Business Interests - Academic Year 2024-25




4 Year Term of Office

Start      -      End

Business/Pecuniary Interests of Governor and/or Partner/Spouse (Date of Declaration)

     PARENT GOVERNORS x 2 –  Elected by Parents or Appointed by Board


Ms  Alex Bursey

(Health & Safety Lead)

  16.05.24  -  15.05.28

None declared (02.07.24) Under Review


Mr Stuart Spencer

(Joint Special Needs and Pupil Premium lead)

  01.09.24  -  31.08.28

Under  Review

    LOCAL AUTHORITY (LA) GOVERNOR – Nominated by the LA and appointed by the Board





    CO-HEADTEACHERS (ex officio appointment)


Mrs Kelly Collens



None declared (11.09.24)

    4b. Ms Zana Fletcher   01.09.24  

    STAFF GOVERNOR – Nominated/Elected by Staff


Mrs Jacq Louise Redman

(Training & Development Lead)


03.07.23 – 02.07.27

None declared (11.09.24)

    CO-OPTED GOVERNORS X 5 -  Appointed by the Board


Ms Pauline Rowley

(Joint Finance, Special Needs, Pupil Premium lead)


24.05.23 - 23.05.27

Governor, St George's CoE Primary, West Houghton, Bolton (23.10.24)


Mrs Gail Spragg

Chair of Governors

(Oversight of  GB Monitoring including Curriculum & Learning; School Council)


16.01.22 – 15.01.26

Trustee Chair of Hamstreet & Furley Park Academies. Chair of Little Ark Pre-School.  Governor at Lenham Primary  (Declared 27.09.23)  Under Review


Mrs  Elizabeth Windon

Vice Chair of Governors

(Safeguarding, SCR, GDPR and Cyber Security)


25.06.22 – 24.06.26

School Data Consultant commissioned to analyse pupil performance data.  Governor at Mereworth Community Primary School.   (Declared 18.09.24)


Miss Elizabeth Eyre

(Joint Finance lead)

  13.10.24   -   12.10.28 Under Review


Ms Elizabeth Steele

  19.12.24 - 18.12.28 None declared (06.01.25)

    FORMER  GOVERNORS – Over the last 12 months

Ms Rachel Tomsett, former Parent Governor   Appointed 24.03.20 and completed assignment 23.03.24. No interests declared 30.10.23.
Ms Lauren Denise Jordan former Parent Governor   Appointed 06.07.21 and completed assignment on 31.08.24.
Mr Samuel Taylor former Authority Governor   Appointed 24.05.24 and completed assignment 11.09.24.
Mr Gareth Holloway former co-opted Governor   Appointed 01.11.23 and completed assignment 18.12.24