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KS 2 National Curriculum Statutory Assessments

The KS2 SATs take place in May each year. These assessments are a key component of your child's educational journey, designed to evaluate their understanding and progress in core subjects at the end of Key Stage 2. The subjects assessed include:

  • English Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling: This test evaluates your child's grasp of English language rules and their ability to apply them in writing.
  • English Reading: This assessment tests comprehension and understanding of various texts, focusing on inference, deduction, and interpretation skills.
  • Mathematics (Arithmetic and Reasoning): These tests assess your child's numerical skills and their ability to apply mathematical concepts to solve problems.

In addition to these tests, teacher assessments will be conducted for English writing and science, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your child's abilities across the curriculum.

Background Information:

The SATs are designed to provide a clear and objective measure of your child's progress and the effectiveness of the school's teaching. The results are used to inform future teaching strategies and provide additional support where necessary. They also contribute to the school's performance data, which is published in national performance tables.

We aim to make the testing process as smooth and stress-free as possible for your child. Throughout the year, our teachers provide practice materials and support to help pupils feel confident and well-prepared for the assessments.

We encourage you to support your child by maintaining a regular study routine, ensuring they have a balanced diet, and providing a calm environment at home. This will help them approach the assessments with a positive mindset.

Please navigate to the leaflet produced by The Standards and Testing Agency below that will provide you with more information and answer any queries that you may have. If you have any further questions or require additional resources and guidance on how to support your child during this time, please speak to Mrs Hayward, the class teacher, or alternatively, contact the school office where we will be happy to assist you further.