Remote/Home Learning
At Victoria Road Primary School, we are committed to providing high-quality education to all our pupils, even when circumstances require remote learning. This policy outlines our approach to remote learning, ensuring continuity of education for all students. All pupils should attend school, in line with our attendance policy, as remote education is not viewed as an equal alternative to attendance in school. There may, however, be circumstances when individual pupils can not attend in person, perhaps due to an operation, mental health or for medical reasons, but are well enough to access remote learning. It is also possible that a class or the whole school has to close for safety reasons and remote learning would be provided for all pupils.
Ensure all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum during remote learning.
Support pupils' emotional well-being and engagement with learning.
Maintain regular communication with pupils and parents to support learning and progress.
Remote Learning Platforms
If remote learning is for an individual pupil, then learning activities and tasks may be given on paper or via email. If it is a long-term arrangement or for the whole class, then we will use the following platforms for delivering remote learning:
Google Classroom: For lesson assignments, resources, and communication.
Zoom: For live lessons and face-to-face interactions where appropriate.
Expectations for Remote Learning
Teachers: Will provide daily lesson plans, resources, and feedback. All learning tasks will be appropriate to the learners' needs and be in line with the school's plans. They may also conduct live sessions to support learning.
Pupils: Expected to engage with daily lessons, complete assignments, and attend any live sessions.
Parents: Encourage and support pupils in their learning and ensure they have the necessary resources and environment for learning.
Access to Technology
We are committed to supporting pupils who may face barriers to accessing technology and will support families on an individual basis, potentially through…
Loaning devices to families in need.
Providing printed materials for those without internet access.
Remote learning will adhere to our safeguarding policies. Staff will follow guidelines to ensure pupils' safety and privacy during online interactions.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The Senior Leadership Team will regularly review and evaluate the effectiveness of remote learning and make necessary adjustments based on feedback from teachers, pupils, and parents.